About that time we got mentioned by Brother Dege

Maybe you care, maybe you don’t. But one thing’s for sure: it doesn’t happen often to be mentioned by a “big one”.

By Brother Dege, to be precise. On his IG feed.

The reason was a video cover we made just for fun. As usual there’s a story waitin’

to be told.

Are you ready for Mr.Cat storytime? I bet you are.

We were busking in Trieste and a couple just stopped to hear us playing. They were from Austria and – to be honest – she was really beautiful (yes, that’s the kind of things I tend to notice. Mr.Fox can’t, since he’s always head down playin’,

staring at its guitar. I play the double bass, which put me in position to watch around and look out for chicks.).

Anyway, they were in love, no doubt. They kept listening to us, and after some song he went into a bar and brought us two pints of beer. We ended the show, we cheered and start chattin’ with them.

The guys asked if we knew “Too old to die young” by Brother Dege, from Django Unchained OST.

We said nay, but we made a promise: we would record the cover for them and play at their wedding.

So we did: we made the vid, but unfortunately they were not together anymore. 

Not all evil come to harms, tho’: we uploaded the vid on youtube, and it got noticed by Brother Dege himself.

Here’s the vid, hope you enjoy it.

Sincerely yours


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