Here we are again. We survived despite the odds, and as soon as we could we buried ourselves at New Emotion Records to record our next single called “Marubini”.
It’a fresh song, with a distinct summer vibe and, as usual, it tells a story.
It was the first of December and we headed towards Cremona. It was rainy, foggy and cold. Mr.Fox had flu and was out of sorts. Headache, sore throat and that sort of thing, nothing to be worried about.
But he insisted.
“I’m gonna die. I can’t sing. I can’t play. I’m just about to die”, said Mr.Fox
I shrugged and looked to my partner in crime. He looked terrible. We were playing in the main street, but he couldn’t keep the beat straight, nor sing.
“I’m the one supposed to meow. You should…what does kind of sound does a fox, anyway?”
“I’m dying, my friend. This is the end.”
He looked at me with that look. The pitiful one.
“Ok, let’s pack up, go home, have some gin and rest until tomorrow. You’ll be fine.”
“Maybe some tea is better.”
“Maybe you’re really sick”.
Long story made short: we went home and slept a couple of hour. When I woke up I was f***king hungry, so I grabbed my pal and brought our arses to the pub. We started drinking some pints and he started to revive.
The day after he wasn’t in the best shape ever, but still on his feet. We rehearsaled a couple of hour and finally went to some friend’s house for lunch. They offered us something special: Marubini in brodo, a typical kind of ravioli stuffed with meat. They were awesome my friends, and did the miracle: Mr.Fox was fine.
The same evening we had a gig in a local pub and we had a great performance.
Back home, Mr.Fox wrote a song about this story. Here’s the lyrics. The meaning is: if you feel sick, don’t be a pussy. Eat your Marubini and everything will be just fine.
Sincerely yours